As the timeless quote says: “no man is an island!” By nature, humans are social creatures who need others to survive and thrive. Even the most introverted individuals have a core group of people they rely upon precisely because no man can exist alone. Everyone needs to nurture close ties and support in this chaotic world. Healthy relationships are essential to life satisfaction, with the power to make people happy. These connections also have a way of reinforcing a person’s unique individuality while encouraging growth.
How individuals take care of relationships (whether at the workplace or outside of it) and set the foundation can determine overall success and satisfaction. Some people are extroverted or social, so they have the natural temperance to foster good connections. Fortunately, those not born with these innate abilities can still build fulfilling relationships with others by mastering a few basic skills. Here are X tips for building stronger relationships and connections.
Create a Strong Foundation Out of Respect
Strong relationships are rooted in mutual respect from both parties at all times. For example, a student feels stressed from too much workload and demands his brilliant friend to help write my assignment. This could result in a relationship breakdown because the friend may not like the tone and dislike being used. Respect is paramount when it comes to genuine connections and is the key ingredient in ensuring relationships work.
After all, every person comes from varied backgrounds and upbringings. As such, they have their own set of beliefs, values, and aspirations. All of these nuances must be accounted for. It’s also crucial to communicate these to others and ask them for their sentiments. And most of all, everyone must remember that respect must never fly out the window or be cast aside, even when disagreeing or angry with each other. When in a disagreement, respect can still be shown by doing the following:
- Stop the blame game
- No use of foul or degrading language
- No yelling or use of force
- Stay in the present and stick to the issue
- Take turns when taking
- Use a tap out or time out if it gets too heated
Make It a Point to Be a Better Listener
Those in satisfying relationships feel like they can be heard and understood. This holds true in loving marriages, love relationships, friendships, or even the workplace. Sadly, with the influence of social media’s anonymity and power to make quick replies, people are more inclined to speak without thinking, and only a few know how to listen.
People are busy thinking of quick comebacks while others are talking instead of focusing on the words people say in a conversation. This bad habit could lead to misunderstandings. Hence, individuals must make it a habit to listen attentively. Remember that human beings prefer to be in the company of those who listen and hear what they say. To develop good listening skills, take note of the following:
- Stay focused
- Look at the speaker
- Take note of non-verbal cues like voice, tone, gestures, and facial expression
- Listen with undivided attention (ex., Not looking at the phone)
- Do not interrupt the person
Communicate Thoughts Clearly
No one is a mind reader, so good relationship-building includes knowing when to listen and when to speak. Don’t expect anyone else to be able to guess or figure out hidden thoughts and feelings. Communication is key, so if something is bothersome, finding ways to express it is crucial. This will strengthen relationships because individuals must be there for each other in happy times and, more importantly, support one another during times of need.
For example, a high school student with many essay deadlines and quizzes can ask help from his parents. They can recommend the best assignment writing services to ease stress. Sometimes, people will only know if they ask and express their thoughts. Likewise, it’s also vital to share wins and positive stories to foster an even stronger emotional connection.
Take Note of the Proper Timing
Although communication and openness are essential, saying things at the right time is vital. Working on having a more substantial connection means having the right pace and sharing details appropriate to the relationship’s depth. For example, sharing intimate love life details would be a big no in the workplace, especially towards colleagues who are only acquaintances.
People who excel in building good relationships know that oversharing can turn others off. They stay attuned to the feelings of the people they’re talking to, whether they express joy, frustration, sadness, or disappointment. Being empathetic connects individuals. Finally, excellent relationship builders share relatable experiences but not to the point where they overshadow the stories of others. Instead, they are sensitive and considerate of others’ feelings.
Make Time to Remember What Others Value
Those intent on building more meaningful connections must start by recalling the names of people because human beings like hearing their own names. This is also the jump-off point for forging a stronger relationship. Apart from that, it would be good to remember the following:
- Birthday
- Anniversary
- Hobbies
- Allergies
- Likes and dislikes
These may seem trivial, but everyone loves it when others remember an important event or tidbits about their personality. This shows they are special because people took the time to remember amid their busyness. That’s why people must listen if they want to build stronger connections. If they pay attention, individuals can learn more about others and eventually remember important facts about someone.
Learn to Manage Emotions Properly
Finally, those who are serious about forging lasting connections need to get a better grasp of their emotions. Moody people who blow hot and cold are challenging, so they may turn off others. Those going through a difficult period must learn to set aside feelings when they’re in the presence of important people, or they don’t wish to ignore these feelings, at least communicate their thoughts so others aren’t left wondering why the sudden terrible mood or behavior.
Final Thoughts
People always appreciate honesty and openness, and true friends genuinely want what’s best for the people they love. Those who wish to build meaningful and lasting relationships must understand that it’s a two-way affair. Apart from making time for others, it’s also vital to make time for self-care because people with an empty cup cannot give care and show love to others.