Beginner’s Guide into mobile game development

When it comes to creating a 3D game, many novice developers immediately imagine a beautiful RPG with an open world, amazing graphics and complete freedom of action. But if you take on a large-scale project with pure enthusiasm, you will most likely be disappointed. In case of lack of experience it’s recommended to use the help of professional mobile game developers.

Then you start dropping everything out of your dream game in order to complete it. And at the end you will face another challenge – optimization and refinement. Immediately there is a temptation to tighten up the functionality, implement the “goodies” that were born in the head during the work. Mobile game development can be delayed.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth starting small and gradually introducing new opportunities.

Make your plan

The biggest rake that newcomers come across at the beginning of mobile game development is a biased assessment of their capabilities. Ask yourself if you have the strength, knowledge and ability to create a really high-quality product that can be uploaded to Google Play or Apple Store without remorse? If the answer is no, fold everything that you managed to expand and go to learn the basics of game development.

Basically, you need to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum so that the game starts and runs stably even on weak smartphones. For the most part, this is the responsibility of “polishing” the visual component, that is, graphics.

Finally, decide on a genre. If you want to branch out into the online gaming and casino sector, you might want to look at what your competitors are doing first. Reading review websites that rank the best USA casino sites can help you determine how you can make your game offering stand out.

The game app developers would help to find the best solution. You Should Always Choose the best Custom Mobile Game Development Company to make it happen.

Choose Your Software

In terms of programming, you need to be able to write native code, used by mobile game development company. You will also need:

  • Understanding the life cycle of an Android / iOS game inside the OS: what happens at startup, what resources are consumed and how much, when the game process can overload memory, etc.
  • Swift / Objective-C Programming for iOS and Java for Android.
  • Understanding the platform of sound and graphics (textures) for mobile operating systems.
  • Experience in C / C ++ programming for iOS / Android on OpenGL.
  • Understanding the game development process about the first steps to create a game before being placed in stores.

Learn Your Programming Language

If you feel that knowledge is not enough, read thematic books for professional game app developer. And the issue with the lack of experience is solved by trial and error. For example, based on cross-platform solutions Unity 3D or Unreal Engine.

Start your project

Now that you have a plan of action, it’s time to evaluate your strengths. You need to understand how to build the gameplay so that the user is interested and pleasant to play your game. It’s not enough just to know the programming language of 3D games well, you need to be familiar with game design.

Implement Your Graphics

Once you have a detailed plan of action, albeit handwritten, you can start creating a prototype of a future mobile game. In fact, you are already getting started on the Unity game engine (optimal for beginners), but first adjust the environment settings for yourself (the location of the Scene and Game editors, the Hierarchy, Inspector, Project and Console panels). Then the fun begins – programming a 3D game. It’s better to do everything perfectly right away, because there is an even more interesting and exciting part of the development process ahead of you – design.

Elevate Your Play

Gameplay is good, but enjoyable gameplay is even better. Therefore, once we figured out the game mechanics, it’s time to move on to the visual part of the project. Think about what will add flavor to your project and add bright colors.

Release your game

When the development of a mobile 3D game seems to be completed, it’s time to start bringing the project to its logical conclusion. Perhaps in the process of work you came up with some brilliant ideas, but do not rush to redo everything in order to implement them. Often it is the desire to “correct a little here, a little there” that leads to a dead end. This is not surprising: the creation of mobile games is a laborious process, you are tired, and your eyes become blurred over time. In the end, your creation may not seem interesting enough.

Tip: do not take the zeal to rework the game from scratch, remember the original terms of reference and stick to it. If you really want to change something, then it is better to do it after the release in the form of patches, updates, etc.

The longer you drag out the process of “polishing” the game, the more chances that you will drop everything, and the project will never be released into the gaming world. If you strictly follow the TK, then a simple mobile 3D toy can be made even in 90 hours.

Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Articles: 1207