Stop Code System Thread Exception Not Handled- Best Solving Methods

System thread exception not handled is a difficulty faced by the Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 users. This error stops you to operate your system every time you turn it on. Most of the users face this error after a few seconds when Windows starts and some are immediate. But, whatever be the case, you will not get enough time to start a task before the error generates. This error message generates on the BSOD screen all of sudden. Here, in this article, you will get complete knowledge on this “stop code system thread exception not handled” error with the solving methods. So, study this article, till the end to know the causes, effects and the solutions to this problem.

Blue Screen of Dead (BOD) is typically a blue screen window with a Sad symbol face on it. Once it appears, the Windows users get frustrated and afraid of it. But, you need not to, because you will be strong enough to get rid of it, by using the simple methods as explained below in this article. You will get this error on the BSOD window with this below message included on it.

“Your PC ran into a problem that it couldn’t handle and now it needs to restart”.

Reasons For Stop Code System Thread Exception Not Handled Error

There are many reasons which can result in this “stop code system thread exception not handled” error and stop you to use your system on a daily basis. But if you are stuck with this, it is better not to waste time in searching for the causes of this problem. Escape to know the causes and directly jump to the solution methods as explained in this article below. But if you really show your interest to know the possible reasons for this error, then below are the reasons for which you are getting “system thread exception not handled” error message.

  • Outdated version of graphics card driver.
  • BIOS error.
  • Recent changes made on your system by a newly installed program or a driver.
  • Corrupted or missing Windows registry files.

How To Solve Stop Code System Thread Exception Not Handled Windows 10 Error?

Yes, now you are at the correction section of this article to learn the solving methods. If you are facing the error, then it is better to try this solving method at first. The other option is always ready, that is you can call a technician to solve. But, before calling a technician, if you can try these explaining methods on your own. Hope you can save your money and at the same time learn the process of solving it. So, let us not waste time and visit the solving methods.

Solve 1: “Update” Or “Uninstall And Reinstall” Your Graphics Card Driver

This is a very simple process and as well as many people get benefited by solving this issue. But to start this process, you need to use an internet connection in your system. The other thing is that to start this process your system needs to be turned on. But if you see the frequent shutting down issue happening, then keep trying several times to turn on your system. But after several attempts of trying, if you see no result then go to this below solving method. Otherwise, try this method at first.

Open Device Manager

There are several ways to open a Device Manager window, which are as follows. You can use any of these which you are comfortable with.

Method 1: Press the Windows button with the letter R. On doing this, the Run command bar will open at the left-hand side of your screen. Then clear this command bar if anything is present, by using the Backspace key. After that, on the bar type “mgmt.msc” and hit on the Enter button. This is all to open the Device Manager window.

Method 2: Tap on the Windows button to activate the search bar. Then simply type Device Manager on it, you will see that the topmost search result is yours, click on it. On doing this, you will find that the Device Manager window will open.

Method 3: You can even open the Device Manager window from the Control Panel menu window. But for this, you need to set the View by into Large icons.

Select On Update Driver Software

As the Device Manager will open, search for the “Display adapters” section by scrolling down the window. Now, click twice on the “Display adapters”, to expand. After that, from this expanding options hit on the graphics driver and right-click on it. Then from this opening menu list window, select on “Update driver software”. After that, by following the onscreen instructions update it. If you are facing any issue on this process, then you need to uninstall your system graphics driver.

Uninstall And Reinstall The Graphics Driver

If any problem arises at the time of updating the graphics driver, then you need to quit the process. Open Device Manager> Expand Display adapters. Now, this time you need to click on the “Uninstall” option in place of “Update driver software”. By clicking on uninstall, a confirmation window will appear. Select on OK to confirm.

Now, Restart your system to stabilize this process. On restarting the system, the Graphics driver automatically gets placed from the system drive. But if you are not able to find the graphics driver in your system then you need to download it from the manufacturer’s website. After doing this, you will get your system free from this “stop code system thread exception not handled” error.

Method 2: Enable The Safe Mode In Windows

As said earlier, if you are not able to proceed with method 1, then for this at first you need to run this method 2. After completing these below steps, continue some sections of method 1 to solve this problem.

As you turn on your system and visit the BSOD, you need to follow these steps below to learn how to get rid of it.

1. At first, shut down your system, as you do by pressing the Power button.

2. After that, turn on your system by holding the Shift button and keep pressing the F8 key until you get the recovery window. Then tap on the “See advanced repair options” button under the Recovery window.

3. Next, use a system repair DVD or pen drive and tap on the F8 button.

4: On doing this above processes you will navigate to the “Choose an option” window. From this window select on the “Troubleshoot” option. Under this Troubleshoot window select on Advanced options>> Windows Startup Settings.

5. After that, click on the Restart button. Now, as your system turns on, you will visit the “Advanced Boot Options” screen with these including options.

a) Safe Mode, b) Safe Mode with Networking, c) Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

6. Now take the cursor and select on “Safe Mode”. On doing this your system will turn on without any issue. Further, you will be able to go for Method 1 to repair this error.

Method 3: Check For BIOS update

An outdated version of BIOS can conflict with the memory drive of your system and can result in this critical error. This can be solved only by knowing your system information. To know the requiring system information you need to take the help of the Command Prompt window. Type “cmd” on the Run command bar (Win.+R), and hit on the Enter button. Then on this opening Command Prompt window paste “ “ this command, and hit on the Enter button to execute.

“wmic baseboard get manufacturer, product”


After getting the required information, now you will be able to install the updating version of BIOS according to your system requirements.

All these are the methods you can apply to solve “stop code system thread exception not handled” on your own.

Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Articles: 1207