How To Run Check Disk On Windows 10 [Solved and Explained]

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Check Disk is a Windows-based utility that helps to scan and fix the hardware problems in your device. If there are enormous errors in the system files, it is high time that you take help from the Check Disk utility. 

Before repairing the hardware issues, the CHKDSK command line checks the integrity of the files in the hard disk. 

Besides, if you are getting issues with the hard disk, we would suggest running CHKDSK in Windows. To know the ways to run Check Disk on Windows 10, you need to proceed to the next section. 

Methods Discussing how to Run Check Disk on Windows 10

This section consists of the key methods to run Check Disk in Windows 10. Hence, implement the methods accordingly to your convenience. 

Method 1: Run CHKDSK from Partition Property

You might not ware of the fact that you can run check disk in Windows 10 using the partition property. And it is quite easy to do that. You just need to follow the below-mentioned steps to run CHKDSK in Windows 10.

  • Go to the Start menu and right-click on it. Now, choose the “Disk Management” option from there. 
  • When you get into the ”Disk Management” window, select the drive that you want to check and fix. 
  • After that, right-click on the drive and then choose the “Properties” option from the drop-down menu. 
  • From the Disk’s properties window, go to the “Tools” section. Next, tap on the “Check” button. 

Note: If there is something wrong with the disks that you have selected, it will show up on the screen. But if there is no error in that disk, you will get a “You don’t need to scan the drive” popup message. 

  • If the disk has any kind of error, then tap on the “Scan drive” option.
  • You will be notified with a confirmation message after completion of the scanning process. 
  • Tap on the “Close” option, if you are shown that there is no error in the disk. 
  • If there are any errors in the disk, Windows will ask for a restart to fix the hardware issue. 

After implementing the above procedure, you will be able to able to fix the hard disk errors detected by the CHKDSK. There are also other ways to run CHKDSK in Windows 10.

To know that you need to proceed to the next section.

Method 2: Run CHKDSK Using Command Prompt

You can also run Check Disk using the Command Prompt application. And it is the easiest way to fix the disk-related issue on the system. 

By just running the CHKDSK command line, you can prevent the hard disk from losing the data and damage the files. So it is recommended to run CHKDSK in Windows to avoid such an issue further. To do that, you need to perform the below-mentioned steps:

  • Go to the Start button. In the search box, write “cmd”. 
  • From the searched results, choose the “Command Prompt” and right-click on it.
  • Also, from the drop-down menu, choose the “Run as administrator” option.
  • In the Command Prompt window, write “CHKDSK #:/f”.

Note: “#” indicates the drive letter of the specific driver that you want to scan and fix. Whereas, “/f” denotes fixing all types of error it detects.

  • Hit the Enter button next to run the command. 

Now, the CHKDSK command line will scan the computer drive that you have selected to check. If you are shown that there is no hard drive error, exit from the Command Prompt window. 

Note: If you want to find the corrupted parts of the hard disk, you need to write “/r” instead of “/f”. But the Check Disk tool can not repair the bad sector of the hard disk properly. Besides, you can lose data while repairing them.

In that case, you need to create a backup of the drive before running the CHKDSK using the command prompt. You can also run Check Disk in Windows 10 from the installation DISC or a USB drive.

Method 3: Run CHKDSK from Installation Disc/ USB drive

Run CHKDSK from Installation Disc USB drive

The above methods were on how to run CHKDSK on the device that can boot up normally. However, if the Windows-based device suddenly stops, you can run CHKDSK to check the hard drive issues, using the Windows installation disc or via USB drive.  

First, ensure that you have the installation disc to try this method. If you don’t have an installation disc, then don’t proceed forward. To run CHKDSK utility via installation Disc or USB drive, you need to apply the following steps:

  • Insert the Windows 10 installation media in the disk drive. 
  • Now, fill up the Language, Time, Currency and Keyboard field with the proper information. 
  • After that, tap on the “Next” button. Now, click on the “Repair your computer” option and then select the “Troubleshoot” option. 
  • You will see the “Advanced Options” window on the screen. In that screen, tap on the “Command Prompt” option. 
  • When you will successfully enter the command prompt window, write “CHKDSK #:/f” and then hit the “Enter” button to run the command. 

Now, CHKDSK will automatically start to scan the drive and repair it, so that you won’t face any hard drive issues further. 

These were some of the essential methods to run check disk in Windows 10. After performing the above methods you will be able to fix the hard drive related issues. 

Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Articles: 1206