How to Troubleshoot Error Code 0x80070032?

When you upgrade to Windows from any other OS version, it not only enables additional features on your device, but can also lead to the generation of error 0x80070032 with it. If you are currently experiencing this Windows error code, there is nothing to worry about it. This is a quite common issue with a majority of Windows users and can be resolved easily with technical solutions.

Usually, this error code 0x80070032 shows up when you try to turn on the setting for Automatic File Backups on Windows.
So, if you want to know more about this error and its possible causes, keep reading this article. Here, you will also get to know the step-wise guidance to apply a few techniques to troubleshoot this Windows error message.

What is Error Code 0x80070032 and Why is it Occurring?

Before discussing the solutions to resolve error 0x80070032, it is important to cover the significance of this issue. So, check out some details regarding the error code and the reasons behind this Windows problem.

Some Common Causes of 0x80070032

There is no particular reason, which can trigger 0x80070032 in your system. Windows users can experience this error if they try to utilize an external hard drive or disk for backing up files.
It can also happen while upgrading to Windows 10 from older versions or any other OS.

According to some users, they are receiving this error message following the anniversary update from Windows. It doesn’t matter if they download the updates using direct download or through the automatic Windows Update, it still leads to error 0x80070032.

Sometimes, after installing the updates successfully, your System can fail to launch or activate them. This is also a common situation for many customers who are getting this Windows error code 0x80070032.

If accounts of Windows phone users are not in sync with the online servers, the error 0x80070032 can appear. Basically, it gets triggered when you try to access the mail app on Windows.

This error can also trouble those who want to access their camera apps on an outdated Windows version. The error 0x80070032 can also hit the devices, which has recently applied some kind of buggy updates from Windows.

How can you Remove Windows Error Code 0x80070032 from your System?

If you want to get rid of this annoying error code 0x80070032, there are technical solutions to do so. Hence, let’s discuss a few of them in order to troubleshoot 0x80070032:

Solution 1: Migrate to the Local Microsoft Account

This method is ideal for those users who are experiencing 0x80070032 error message on their Windows phones. They can easily resolve this error code by switching their profiles to a local account. However, in order to apply this fix, you need to sign off from your current Microsoft account.

To apply this solution, first, click on the ‘Start’ menu and access the search box on Windows 10. Then, enter ‘settings’ in the text field and allow Cortana to find the settings application.

As the Windows Settings appears on your screen, navigate to the ‘Accounts’ tab to view the settings. Now, you will have to select the ‘sign in with a local account instead’ option in order to proceed.

So, you need to type your password for Microsoft account and hit the ‘Next’ button. After that, enter the details on your local account credentials in the new window and click on ‘Next’. Make sure to hit the tab that allows you to log out of your Microsoft account completely. Now, repeat the entire process to do the setup for your local account but, choose your Microsoft account to sign in. Hopefully, this method will be able to fix 0x80070032 on your Windows-based system or phone.

Solution 2: Remove Current Mail App and Reinstall It

If switching to a local account from Microsoft don’t resolve error code 0x80070032, there can be an issue with your mail app. So, one of the best approaches to deal with this Windows error is by reinstalling the application.

For trying this fix, you need to open the search box by clicking on the Windows Start button. Then, find the application of ‘PowerShell’ and choose ‘run as administrator’ after right-clicking on it.

As the PowerShell window appears on your display, you will have to type the following command and press the ‘Enter’ button.

Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like “*windowscommunicationsapps*”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

After executing the above code successfully on PowerShell, exit the window. Then open the app of Windows Store and locate the feature of Windows Mail.

Now, follow the on-screen instructions to install this mail app on your Windows device. After finishing the installation, try to run Windows Mail and check if you are getting the 0x80070032 error code.

Solution 3: Create Windows 10 PIN Using Command Prompt

On some Windows 10 based devices, forgetting the PIN password can often lead to error code 0x80070032. Hence, you can create a new PIN and fix this problem along with issues with FALL CREATORS UPDATE.

In order to apply this solution, press the Shift button along with the Restart tab from the device’s Power menu. After that go to the option of ‘Troubleshoot’ and click on ‘Advanced options’.

Next, select the ‘Command Prompt’ and run it as administrator. As the window opens, type the following command and hit ‘Enter’ button.

takeown /f C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC

icacls C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC /grant administrators:f

Once Windows finishes the execution of this command, you can reboot your system for these changes to take effect. After that, you can follow technical instructions to create a new PIN to access your Microsoft or Windows 10 account.

So, in this article, you came to know about some of the main causes of error 0x80070032 in your Windows-based devices. If you are unable to troubleshoot this problem with the above solutions, you can consult a Windows professional. He/she will not only assist you in resolving Windows error 0x80070032 but, can suggest ways to avoid it. If you also want to share your fixes to troubleshoot 0x80070032, post it in the comments section.

Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Articles: 1205