Solutions For HP Printer Error Code 0xC4EB827F?

In a day to day usage, HP printer users encounter various types of errors and problems in their device. And the error code 0xC4EB827F falls in the category of the common error messages of the HP printers. Hence, all those users who possess a HP printer have faced this error code once or twice. In most of the cases, this error is triggered by the software issues. However, in some situations, this error code is caused by hardware problems as well. Now, if you are one of those users who is getting this error on their printer and want to know how to fix HP printer error code 0xC4EB827F, then follow this article.

This is because we have provided every possible solution of this error here. Now, without wasting any time, let’s have a look at it.

Major Causes of the HP Printer Error Code 0xC4EB827F

In this section, we have provided some examples of those problematic factors which can cause this error in your HP printer. Have a look at them.

  1. Long periods of device usage
  2. Improperly installed ink cartridges
  3. Outdated Printer Driver
  4. Corrupted registry files

Now, if you have analyzed all the problematic factors of HP Printer error code 0xC4EB827F, then let’s have a look at its solution.

Ways to Fix HP Printer Error 0xC4EB827F

There are many ways by which you can remove this error code from your HP printer. Some of the most effective methods to do it are given below. Have a look at them and try to apply them as instructed.

Reboot the HP Printer

Most of the time, HP printer users remove this error code by rebooting their printer and the connected system. And it might be possible that the same trick works for your printer also. That’s why we will recommend you to try this method before using any other solutions.

Now, to execute the reboot method properly, you need to follow some simple and precise instructions and that are provided below:

  1. First, turn off your HP printer and remove all the ink cartridge present in it. Then, unplug all the USB and power cables connect with it.
  2. Then, shut down your system and switch off your wireless router.
  3. Now, you need to wait for a few minutes and after that, you can turn on the printer.
  4. Once the printer wakes up, it will ask for the ink cartridge. At that moment, you need to install the ink cartridge into it.

After that, turn on your system as well as the router and connect them with your HP printer. Now, try to take out some rough printouts in order to check whether the error is eliminated or not.

Update the Printer Driver

Another issue that can cause this error in an HP printer is outdated Printer Driver. Now, to overcome this problem, you need to update the driver as soon as possible. And to do that, follow the given steps:

  1. Click on the Windows icon and open up the Start menu. There, you need to click on the Control Panel option. This will launch the Control Panel window on the screen.
  2. On that window, you need to click on the Hardware and Sound option in order to enter into its window.
  3. Now, in the Hardware and Sound window, you need to look for the ‘Printers option and then click on it. That click will expand the Printers option.
  4. In the Printers option’s expanded section, you will get the HP Printer Driver option.
  5. Right-click on that option and open up the Context menu. In that menu, you need to click on the Update driver.
  6. After that a pop-up window will appear on the screen. There, you need to click on the search for drivers automatically option.

Once you do that the Windows update tool will start looking for those driver updates which are available for your HP printer. And if the tool is able to locate one, then it will automatically download and install those driver updates on your system.

However, if the windows update tool didn’t find anything good for you, then visit the official website of HP and manually download and install the latest printer drives on your system. Apart from that, you will also find the latest version of HP printer application there.

Now, if you updated both of them, try to run some print commands on your HP printer in order to check the existence of the error.

Repair the Registry File

In certain situations, the error Code 0xC4EB827F is caused by the Registry file corruption issue. And, if that same issue is affecting your system and printer, then follow the given instructions:

  1. Open up the Setting window and click on the Update & Security option.
  2. The Update & Security window will open up on the screen. There, you need to tap on the Recovery tab.
  3. In that tab, you need to click on the Advanced Startup option and then hit the Restart now button.
  4. This will open up the Choose an option screen. On that options menu, you need to click on the Troubleshoot option in order to enter into it.
  5. Now, inside the Troubleshoot window, you need to select the Advanced Options then click on the Automated Repair.
  6. After that, a login window will open up on the screen. On that window, you need to choose an account and then login into it.

Once you do that, the Automatic Repair process will start on your system. During this process, your system may reboot many times. Hence, do not interfere with any until your system shows the Home screen or lock screen.

Now, after the completion of the process, try to run your HP printer and check whether the error is eliminated or not.


Now, if you are unable to remove this error from your printer, even after trying all the solutions given the above section then it is quite possible that your HP printer is going through some serious Hardware issue. And to solve those problems in the most effective way, you would need some help from a technical expert.

We hope our solutions and suggestions are helpful to you regarding HP printer error code 0xC4EB827F. For more tech related content, keep following our upcoming articles.

Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Articles: 1205